The Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container

Apache Tomcat 6.0

Version 6.0.47, Oct 13 2016
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Top Level Elements




Nested Components

Cluster Elements



Apache Tomcat Configuration Reference

The LifeCycle Listener Component

Table of Contents

A Listener element defines a component that performs actions when specific events occur, usually Tomcat starting or Tomcat stopping.

Listeners may be nested inside a Server, Engine, Host or Context. Some Listeners are only intended to be nested inside specific elements. These constraints are noted in the documentation below.

Common Attributes

All implementations of Listener support the following attributes:


Java class name of the implementation to use. This class must implement the org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener interface.

Nested Components

No element may be nested inside a Listener.

Standard Implementation

Unlike most Catalina components, there are several standard Listener implementations available. As a result, the className attribute MUST be used to select the implementation you wish to use.

APR Lifecycle Listener - org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener

The APR Lifecycle Listener checks for the presence of the APR/native library and loads the library if it is present. For more information see the APR/native guide.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

The following additional attributes are supported by the APR Lifecycle Listener:


Name of the SSLEngine to use. off: do not use SSL, on: use SSL but no specific ENGINE.

The default value is on. This initializes the native SSL engine, which must be enabled in the APR/native connector by the use of the SSLEnabled attribute.

See the Official OpenSSL website for more details on supported SSL hardware engines and manufacturers.


Entropy source used to seed the SSLEngine's PRNG. The default value is builtin. On development systems, you may want to set this to /dev/urandom to allow quicker start times.


Set to on to request that OpenSSL be in FIPS mode (if OpenSSL is already in FIPS mode, it will remain in FIPS mode). Set to enter to force OpenSSL to enter FIPS mode (an error will occur if OpenSSL is already in FIPS mode). Set to require to require that OpenSSL already be in FIPS mode (an error will occur if OpenSSL is not already in FIPS mode).

FIPS mode requires you to have a FIPS-capable OpenSSL library which you must build yourself. If this attribute is set to any of the above values, the SSLEngine must be enabled as well.

The default value is off.

Jasper Listener - org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener

The Jasper Listener initializes the Jasper 2 JSP engine before any web applications that may use it are loaded. For more information on the Jasper 2 JSP engine see the Jasper How To.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

No additional attributes are supported by the Jasper Listener .

Server Lifecycle Listener - org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener

The Server Lifecycle Listener initializes the MBeanServer for the MBeans that may be used to manage Tomcat via JMX. Without this listener, none of the Tomcat MBeans will be available.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

No additional attributes are supported by the Server Lifecycle Listener.

Global Resources Lifecycle Listener - org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener

The Global Resources Lifecycle Listener initializes the Global JNDI resources defined in server.xml as part of the Global Resources element. Without this listener, none of the Global Resources will be available.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

No additional attributes are supported by the Global Resources Lifecycle Listener.

JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener - org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JmxRemoteLifecycleListener

This listener requires catalina-jmx-remote.jar to be placed in $CATALINA_HOME/lib. This jar may be found in the extras directory of the binary download area.

The JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener fixes the ports used by the JMX/RMI Server making things much simpler if you need to connect jconsole or a similar tool to a remote Tomcat instance that is running behind a firewall. Only these ports are configured via the listener. The remainder of the configuration is via the standard system properties for configuring JMX. For further information on configuring JMX see Monitoring and Management Using JMX included with the Java SDK documentation.

If this listener was configured in server.xml as:

<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JmxRemoteLifecycleListener"
          rmiRegistryPortPlatform="10001" rmiServerPortPlatform="10002" />
with the following system properties set (e.g. in$CATALINA_BASE/conf/jmxremote.password$CATALINA_BASE/conf/jmxremote.access
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/jmxremote.password containing:
admin letmein
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/jmxremote.access containing:
admin readwrite
then opening ports 10001 (RMI Registry) and 10002 (JMX/RMI Server) in your firewall would enable jconsole to connect to a Tomcat instance running behind a firewall using a connection string of the form:
with a user name of admin and a password of letmein.

Note that the example above does not use SSL. JMX access should be considered equivalent to administrative access and secured accordingly.

This listener must only be nested within a Server element.

The following additional attributes are supported by the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener:


The port to be used by the JMX/RMI registry for the Platform MBeans. The replaces the use of the system property that should not be set when using this valve.


The port to be used by the Platform JMX/RMI server.


Should any clients using these ports be forced to use local ports to connect to the JMX/RMI server. This is useful when tunnelling connections over SSH or similar. Defaults to false.

JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener - org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener

The JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener provides work-arounds for known places where the Java Runtime environment uses the context class loader to load a singleton as this will cause a memory leak if a web application class loader happens to be the context class loader at the time. The work-around is to initialise these singletons when this listener starts as Tomcat's common class loader is the context class loader at that time. It also provides work-arounds for known issues that can result in locked JAR files.

This listener must only be nested within Server elements.

The following additional attributes are supported by the JRE Memory Leak Prevention Listener:


Enables protection so that calls to sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext() triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Note that a call to this method will be triggered as part of the web application stop process so it is strongly recommended that this protection is enabled. The default is true.


Enables protection so that calls to java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Defaults to false because an AWT thread is launched.


List of comma-separated fully qualified class names to load and initialize during the startup of this Listener. This allows to pre-load classes that are known to provoke classloader leaks if they are loaded during a request processing. Non-JRE classes may be referenced, like oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTimeoutThreadPerVM. The default value is empty, but specific JRE classes are loaded by other leak protection features managed by other attributes of this Listener.


The first use of java.sql.DriverManager will trigger the loading of JDBC Driver in the current class loader. The web application level memory leak protection can take care of this in most cases but triggering the loading here has fewer side-effects. The default is true.


Enables protection so that calls to sun.misc.GC.requestLatency(long) triggered by a web application do not result in a memory leak. Use of RMI is likely to trigger a call to this method. A side effect of enabling this protection is the creation of a thread named "GC Daemon". The protection uses reflection to access internal Sun classes and may generate errors on startup on non-Sun JVMs. The default is true.


Enables protection so that the PoolCleaner thread started by com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapPoolManager does not result in a memory leak. The thread is started the first time the LdapPoolManager class is used if the system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout is set to a value greater than 0. Without this protection, if a web application uses this class the PoolCleaner thread will be configured with the thread's context class loader set to the web application class loader which in turn will trigger a memory leak on reload. Defaults to true.


Enables protection so that usage of the class by a web application does not provoke a memory leak. The first access of this class will trigger the initializer that will retain a static reference to the context class loader. The protection loads the class with the system class loader to ensure that the static initializer is not triggered by a web application. Defaults to true.


Enables protection so that usage of the deprecated class by a web application does not result in a memory leak. The first access of this class will trigger the static initializer that will retain a static reference to the context class loader. The protection calls the getPolicy() method of this class to ensure that the static initializer is not triggered by a web application. Defaults to true.

Note: The underlying leak has been fixed in Java 7 update 51 onwards and Java 8 onwards. This option is unnecessary if running on a fixed version of Java.


Enables protection so that any token poller thread initialized by does not result in a memory leak. The thread is started depending on various conditions as part of the initialization of the Java Cryptography Architecture. Without the protection this can happen during Webapp deployment when the MessageDigest for generating session IDs is initialized. As a result the thread has the Webapp class loader as its thread context class loader. Enabling the protection initializes JCA early during Tomcat startup. Defaults to true.


Enables protection so that reading resources from JAR files using does not result in the JAR file being locked. Note that enabling this protection disables caching by default for all resources obtained via Caching may be re-enabled on a case by case basis as required. Defaults to true.


Enables protection so that parsing XML files within a web application does not result in a memory leak. Note that memory profilers may not display the GC root associated with this leak making it particularly hard to diagnose. Defaults to true.

JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener Examples

The following is an example of how to configure the classesToInitialize attribute of this listener.

If this listener was configured in server.xml as:

  <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener"
            classesToInitialize="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTimeoutThreadPerVM" />

then the OracleTimeoutThreadPerVM class would be loaded and initialized during listener startup instead of during request processing.

UserConfig - org.apache.catalina.startup.UserConfig

The UserConfig provides feature of User Web Applications. User Web Applications map a request URI starting with a tilde character ("~") and a username to a directory (commonly named public_html) in that user's home directory on the server.

See the User Web Applications special feature on the Host element for more information.

The following additional attributes are supported by the UserConfig:


The directory name to be searched for within each user home directory. The default is public_html.


The class name of the user database class. There are currently two user database, the org.apache.catalina.startup.PasswdUserDatabase is used on a Unix system that uses the /etc/passwd file to identify valid users. The org.apache.catalina.startup.HomesUserDatabase is used on a server where /etc/passwd is not in use. HomesUserDatabase deploy all directories found in a specified base directory.


The base directory containing user home directories.This is effective only when org.apache.catalina.startup.HomesUserDatabase is used.

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